Bonobos, Google, Lexus, War by Parker and Coinbase User List Dove have worked with TED on storytelling ads that aim to be consistent with podcast content. To create the storytelling ads, TED’s team consults its internal marketers to find Coinbase User List compelling stories that draw in listeners and embed a story about the sponsor at the end of the segment. For Bobonos, the menswear company that Walmart acquired in 2017, TED created an audio segment that features Adam Grant, who hosts TED’s “Work Life”
Podcast profiling unusual professionals. Fitting Coinbase User List with that theme, Grant interviewed one of Bonobos’ customer service workers, who are referred to as “ninjas” because they’re empowered to care for customers by whatever means necessary. To illustrate that point, the employee in the ad describes an instance where a customer had lost a Coinbase User List favorite flannel shirt in a house fire and the Bonobos ninja, upon discovering that the customer had also lost a dog in the fire, sent him a printed photo of the pet from Instagram to help console him, along with two new flannel shirts.
The segment ends with a host-read offer Coinbase User List for savings at the brand’s website. For Google, which has a global initiative to support women entrepreneurs, TED created a native ad featuring Saleem Resham wala, host of the “Far Flung” podcast that searches for the “world’s most surprising and imaginative ideas.” In the segment, he profiles Coinbase User List a Nigerian-American woman who started an emergency blood-delivery service called Life Bank. After learning that hemorrhaging was a leading cause of death for women in the city of Lagos — where heavy traffic limits emergency care — she started a company that relies on motorcycle drivers equipped with Google Maps to plot the quickest route. “It didn’t really mention Google,”